Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy

Space Ducks, Doppelgängers & Dimensional Chaos

Season 20 Episode 7

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“Space Ducks, Doppelgängers & Dimensional Chaos,” Ep. 185

As interdimensional chaos unfolds, canine-humanoid Diroctor Bizzig “Zig” Gneeecey, his doppelgänger Ebegneeezer Gesundheit Eeeceygnay, the ever-bumbling yet heroic Fleaglossitty “Sooperflea” Floppinsplodge, and the bewildered Space Duck find themselves reeling from extreme dimension burn. After a perilous journey from Opposite Earth, they crash-land in Perswayssick County—without their spaceship, the ill-fated Starship Waterloo. But Gneeecey has a plan: he intends to declare himself Grate Gizzygalumpaggis, the new leader of the county, in the absence of the former officeholder, Nicki Rodriguez.

Before they can even reach the courthouse, however, trouble arrives in the form of Vloxx—a two-headed, silver-suited canine-humanoid alien—demanding compensation for his now-destroyed spaceship. But that's not all. Vloxx’s sensors have detected something valuable: the mysterious, ultra-rare difalconiumyte. Meanwhile, the determined detective Clover Arlo Cookie, P.I., and his feisty assistant Conrad (a sun conure parrot with a keen eye for fowl-related mysteries) cross paths with Brunhilde, a long-haired dachshund-humanoid who insists that Space Duck is, in fact, her long-lost “malted falcon.” The stakes skyrocket as accusations fly, secrets unravel, and negotiations take a turn for the ridiculous.

Elsewhere in the tangled threads of reality, Nicki Rodriguez finds herself stranded in an unfamiliar version of New Jersey—Perswayssick County. A catastrophic collision sends her vintage Mustang plunging off a bridge, only to be rescued by the caped, klutzy canine-humanoid hero, Sooperflea. As Nicki struggles to understand her bizarre surroundings and newfound purple-tinged complexion, Flea insists he can help. But between his questionable driving skills and his telepathic tendencies, getting home might not be so simple.

Will Gneeecey successfully claim his self-appointed title before Vloxx exacts his revenge? Can Nicki make sense of her strange new reality? And most importantly—will Space Duck ever escape the clutches of intergalactic property disputes?

Tune in for another uproarious, sci-fi-infused, comedy-packed adventure!

🎧 Listen now and brace yourself for the unexpected!

Episode Artwork created by ChatGPT

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode! We thank Marysol Rodriguez, Sal Solá, Sandi Solá, Marcellina Ramirez, Rick “El Molestoso” Rivera, Diane L., Brunie Cariño, Toni Aponte, and Aileen Bean for being generous supporting members through (Please support us with a one-time gift or monthly sponsorship amount—various levels available—to help keep us coming to you via! We’ll shout you out during our podcast episodes and in our show notes here, plus supply you with more fun perks!) (Amazon Author Page, check out our Gneeecey/Nicki e-books and paperbacks!)

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Vicki's related comedy/fantasy/sci-fi books, You Can't Unscramble the Omlet and The Getaway That Got Away are available at Amazon! (Amazon Author Page, check out our Gneeecey/Nicki e-books and paperbacks!)

It's a one-woman show! Vicki does all the writing, character voices, and audio production!

Transcript / Space Ducks, Doppelgängers & Dimensional Chaos – Episode 185, by Vicki Solá. 

All content © 2025 Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy.

Music/Intro: Hi there, I’m author and radio host Vicki Solá, welcoming you to Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy. I invite you to escape with me into the bizarre dimension of Perswayssick County, where wackiness rules! The laughs begin when I morph into my alter ego, radio DJ Nicki Rodriguez and clash with the zany, alien canine-humanoid Gneeecey! And now, I turn it over to my other self, Nicki, and the gang….

SFX: [Magic Spell] [Music Eerie Drama]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: In our last episode, “Is It Really Just a Dream…Or Something More?”, canine-humanoids Diroctor Bizzig “Zig” Gneeecey, his Planet HyenaZitania lookalike, Ebegneeezer Gesundheit Eeeceygnay, and Fleaglossitty “Flea” Floppinsplodge, otherwise known as “Sooperflea,” plus Gneeecey’s pet mallard Space Duck, find themselves suffering from extreme dimension burn after zooming through deep space. They’ve traveled—without the protection of their missing spaceship, Starship Waterloo—from otherworldly planet Opposite Earth and its evil leader Urgl, back to Perswayssick County. They’re dizzy, their legs are weak, and a purple haze seems to surround everything they see.

Gneeecey’s protégé, Altitude—a giant mouse with an attitude—arrives at desolate Area Fifty-and-four-fourths to drive the canine-humanoid and his weary entourage to the Perswayssick County Courthouse. Gneeecey has plans to declare himself leader—Grate Gizzygalumpaggis of the county—as human Nicki Rodriguez, who held that office, is no longer present after merging with her double, back on Earth. 

More trouble awaits them before they can even get into the impatient Altitude’s car….

SFX: [Magic Glitter] [Space, Mystery Tune]

DIROCTOR BIZZIG “ZIG” GNEEECEY: Holy stinkin’ Saint Bogelthorpe! 

“FLEA” FLEAGLOSSITTY” FLOPPINSPLODGE, AKA “SOOPERFLEA: It’s a two-headed canine-humanoid alien wearin’ a silver spacesuit! 

VLOXX: Where do you people think you are going? You are not leaving Area Fifty-and-four-fourths!

G: I am the Gizzygalumpaggis of this here whole Perswayssick County! Who are yooou?

V: I am Vloxx.

G: An’ whaddaya stinkin’ want?

V: That heap of metal over there was my spaceship. You skyjacked it! And destroyed it! You will have to make good on this. I demand compensation.

G: I was jus’ fixin’ it. Doin’ ya a favor. Accidentally, I kinda pushed the launch button instead of the lunch button, an’ it took off! An’ I couldn’t control the lousy ship. After a while we did a kinda soft hard crash landin’ onto this horribooble planet Opposite Earth. An’ then the whole spaceship—I named it Starship Waterloo, ain’t that a priddy name?—it dematerialized an’ we couldn’t find it nowheres. Then, jus’ a little while ago, this evil huuuman Nurse Maudlyn drove it back here an’ stinkin’ crashed it into pieces! An’ then sheee dematerialized!

V: You are responsible for this. You will pay. And I also believe you are in possession of another item that is not yours. You are not going anywhere. 

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune]

G: Do yooou know who I aaam? I’m the leader of this here lousy county an’ I got lotsa important junk to do. So, get outta my stinkin’ way! I gotta get to the courthouse before it closes.

V: I said, you are not going anywhere.

EBEGNEEEZER GESUNDHEIT EEECEYGNAY: Well, tell us, what do you bloody want? My rather daft, inferior lookalike here and I, have some rather pressing matters to attend to.

G: Shaaadup, Ebegoogoo.

E: I’ll bloody not do anything of the kind, old chap.

V: Quiet, both of you white-and-black canine-humanoids. I have already stated that you owe me for my destroyed spaceship, and that you also must return a certain item that is not yours. My sensors have detected its presence in this general area.

SPACE DUCK: Quack! Quack! 

G: You’re upsettin’ poor Space Duck. He got dimension burn, too. Now, I ain’t payin’ for nuthin’ ’cause I didn’t stinkin’ bust nuthin’. So, get outta my way—I gotta go!

SFX: [FootstepsGravel]

SD: Quack! Quack! 

BRUNHILDE: Oh! Look! Dat ees heeem! My meeessing malted falcon! Dere he eees!

CLOVER ARLO COOKIE, P.I.: Are ya sure, Brunhilde? That’s not a falcon—that’s a duck!


CAC, P.I.: And as you can see, my assistant Conrad here agrees. He knows birds pretty well, bein’ one. 

G: Hey—Space Duck here may love malted cauliflower—

B: Yah, he does! Dat ees all he vill eat!

G: But, he’s stinkin’ mine! I found him on the spaceship. An’ I been takin’ care of him! Malted cauliflower ain’t cheap, y’know.

B: He eees mine! And so eees dat silver necklace he ees veering! I svear dat he eees mine, as I svear dat I am a longhaired dachshund canine-humanoid!

V: That mallard’s necklace is composed of ninety-nine percent difalconiumyte, one of the most rare and powerful substances known in this universe.

E: So, I was bloody right….

B: Vloxx! Vhat are you doing here?

V: I might ask the same, Brunhilde. And back to that mallard’s necklace… I believe my sensors detected that, rather than my missing item, which is also comprised of difalconiumyte.

B: Vell, dat necklace, and dee falcon, belong to me.

CAC, P.I.: I was right, Brunhilde. As my client, you were supposed to come clean with me, but you never did. You held out on me. You didn’t tell me everything, did you?


B: You know, Detective Clover,  you beagle-humanoids can be really picky! Since I decided to valk over here vit you and vee just happened to find my malted falcon roaming around, I don’t tink I owe you for finding heeem, as he just happened to be here.

CAC, P.I.: Oh, we’ll see about that, Brunhilde. I’ve put in a whole lot of time on this case. And from the beginning, I told you I couldn’t guarantee that I would find your, uh, duck.

B: My malted falcon!

SFX: [Intarface 2] [Electronic Button] 

V: As I get closer to you, Detective Clover, my sensors indicate you may have my missing item.

CAC, P.I.: That’s impossible.

V: Well, no one is going anywhere until my demands are satisfied.

G: Oh yeah?

SFX: [Laser] [SciFi Laser]

G: Yaaaaaah! My lousy bimbus!

V: Try it again. I said, no one is going anywhere until my demands are satisfied.

SFX: [Terror Tension] [Music Eerie Drama]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: And as an exasperated Gneeecey has previously told Flea, Nicki Rodriguez remains missing, most likely never to be seen again. Unbeknownst to them, she continues to exist in an alternate timeline after having merged accidentally with her double, and now finds herself in the dimension of Perswayssick County, meeting Flea for what seems to be the first time. 

Nicki has suffered a couple of traumatic events. After a sudden explosion, accompanied by a blinding flash of purple light, sends her and her red ’64-and-a-half Mustang spinning, out of control, she recovers and manages to drive for a bit. She soon finds out that she’s no longer in her New Jersey. A huge green sign informs her that she’s traveling on the Perswayssick Thruway. Suddenly, her CD flies past her nose and a strange, high-pitched voice shrieks through her car’s speakers. 

Then, she and her car are knocked off the Perswayssick River Bridge by an invisible force. The car becomes airborne. She hits her head, and floats in and out of consciousness. As she does, a red-caped black-furred dog swoops underneath her car, saving her. After a while, she comes to…. 

SFX: [Misgivings & Misfortune]

He spoke English. “Here, sit down,” he suggested, guiding me toward a flat rock that sat in the middle of a muddy gully.
 “Th—thanks. . .” I stuttered.
 “A pleasure, Nicki.”
 “I—I don’t recall telling you my name—”
 “Oh, din’cha?”
 My eyes remained fixed on him. “No.”
 “I’m Sooperflea, at your service.” He pointed to the triangle-enclosed backward “S” embroidered on his navy shirt. The canine-humanoid’s voice boinged like a rusty spring. He was just about my height—when I sat. “Real name’s Fleaglossitty,” he continued, wiping his schnozz on his
 sleeve. “Fleaglossity Floppinsplodge. But’cha can call me Flea. All my friends do.”
 “I’m Nicki—as you already seem to know,” I replied, gazing into his concerned cocoa eyes. “Nicki Rodriguez.”
 He extended a furry, four-fingered hand. “Pleased to meet’cha.”
 “Likewise,” I replied, catching a glimpse of my own lavender-tinged hand.
 “Don’t worry, that’ll go away,” Flea assured me. “Your face, too.”
 “The purple, I mean—y’know, your dimension burn.”
 “You’re only twenny-four,” he continued. “you’ll heal fast.”
 “How’d you know—”
 “You’re lucky. I was jus’ passin’ through on my way into the city, to meet a buddy.”
 “City? What city?”
 “Perswayssick City.” Silly me, I should’ve guessed, I thought to myself. He shook his oversized head. “Nah. No way ya coulda guessed.” My mouth opened wide.
 “Come wit’ me—ya need a good meal.”
 I forced a smile.
 “Zig’ll take care of ya. he’s my bes’ friend—we grew up together. C’mon.”

SFX: [Misgivings & Misfortune]

My eyes wandered down to Flea’s gargantuan high-tops. Circled X’s decorated each ankle. The superhero studied his red sneakers self-consciously.
 And I pondered my fate—silently. Where the hell was I, and how could I get back home?
“Don’t worry,” said Flea, “we’ll answer all your questions before ya leave.” Leave. Just what I wanted to hear.
 A hurt expression crossed his face. He stumbled face first into the dirt, mumbling. SFX: ]Mud Splash]
 His shoes are too big, I thought to myself.
“Nah—they fit jus’ fine,” he insisted. Astonished, I watched him stagger to his feet. As we trudged toward my car, a lump rose in my throat. My vintage Mustang sat dented and gashed.
“Don’t worry, Nicki, they can be banged out an’ painted over.”
Just get me back to the parkway, I thought, blinking back tears.
“I said I’d get’cha back to your parkway—later.” He smacked my trunk shut. SFX: [Auto Door]
 I stopped in my tracks. Flea kept walking, opened my car door SFX: [Car Door Open] [Metal Door Open] and tripped right into the driver’s seat. He could just about see over the dashboard.
 Consoled by the presence of my handbag, its strap tangled around an inner door handle, I took a shallow breath and flopped into the seat. Breathing hurt.
 “Now lessee, howd’ya start this thing? Oh, yeah.” SFX: [Car Engine] He grasped the gear shifter. “Hmmm, kinda like prindl, but on the floor, not the wheel. Wow, I can jus’ ’bout reach these pedals. the long one on the right makes it stop….an’ this shorter, sideways one makes it go—”
Flea tapped the gas, then hit the brakes full force. SFX: [Screeching Brakes] Smash went my head on the dash.  Curiously, he had no problem finding the clutch. He chuckled. “It’s jus’ the opposite on my planet.”
Your planet?”
“An’ where I come from, Prndl is a girl’s name.”
 “I’ll drive!” I yelled, coming to my senses.
 “Nah—you’re in no shape.”
 “It’s my car!” I began to black out as I reached for the wheel.
 He shot me a “told-you-so” look and clicked the radio on. “Better put on that seatbelt. We gotta backtrack a few miles to get on the bridge.” SFX: [Metal Click 4] [Car Engine] We lurched forward.
 That same flat voice droned, “—the line to your heart’s always busy.”
 Flea hummed along as he hit every pothole and curb in sight. He had to be the worst driver on any planet.
 “I’m not the worst driver,” he protested. “Jus’ a little—whaddayacallit—rusted.”
 “Who said you were a poor driver?”
“Ya thought it—an’ ya thought worst, not poor!”
“An’ stop wonderin’ where the parkway is!”
I tried not to think aloud.
 SFX: [Music Comedy Guitar] When that corny, twangy song on the radio ended, an all too familiar, grating voice began to pitch an ad: 

“An’ now, an important message from us here at GAS Radio! My kingdom for a horse! My corporation for a brief! Ah, the age-old lament of the busy, squirmin’ executive! Whaaat could be worse than ill-fittin’ underwear?
 “I’m Doctor B. Z. Z. Gneeecey, an’ I wanna talk to ya ’bout somethin’ personal! It’s sad but true—eighty per cent of corporate blunders are produced by ‘executive squeeze’—the torment of ill-fittin’ underwear! There’s no tellin’ how many financial tragedies can be attributated to chafin’ an’ itchin’! Well, I’ve done somethin’ about it!
“I’ve invented an amazin’ new revooovolutionary formula! Jus’ one application of clinically proven Bend-a-Britch, an’ I unconditionally quarantine that your very personal undergarments will conform to yooou! Even works on tail holes! Call itchy butts, that’s I-T-C-H-Y-B-U-T-T-S, today to find out more! Remember, ya heard it here, on 1780 am, GAS Radio!” SFX: [Cartoon Chase]
Flea smiled.
I hoped it was just a bad dream. “I’m changing the station.”
 “It’s your car,” he snapped. “But y’know, that underwear stuff’s pretty good. An’ no—you’re not dreamin’.”
 I slapped the button to FM. That same high, nerdish voice babbled on. SFX: [Cartoon Chase]
 “Bad afternoon, everyone! It’s a soooper Snatturday here on 109.3 FM, WGAS, GAS Radio! Yee haw—”
 I punched one of the knobs so hard it popped off into my hand. SFX: [Boing] [Comedy Boing] Grunting, I chucked it over my shoulder.
 “Flyin’ objects are dangerous,” Flea admonished as he sped onto the bridge.
 My eyes rolled upward.

SFX: [Misgivings and Misfortune] [Space, Mystery Tune]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: Meanwhile, back in Perswayssick County…on that other timeline….

G: C’mon, Fleaglossitty—what are ya? Asleep again? We got trouble here!

F: I think I dozed off, on my feet, Zig. Was havin’ another conversation wit’ Nicki….

G: That’s stinkin’ ridiculous. Now, c’mon!

F: I really don’t think it’s a good idea for us to—

SFX: [Laser] [SciFi Laser]

G: Yaaaaaah! 

V: I warned you not to try it again. I said, no one is going anywhere until my demands are satisfied.

SFX: [Eerie Sharp Scary Logo]

F: Professor Wallbang! What are you doing here?

PROFESSOR WILLARD WALLBANG: I believe that I may possibly be able to provide some answers here, Mister Floppinsplodge…. And, welcome home….

SFX: [Eerie Sharp Scary Logo] [Magic Spell]

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode! We thank Marysol Rodriguez, Sal Solá, Sandi Solá, Marcellina Ramirez, Rick “El Molestoso” Rivera, Diane L., Brunie Cariño, Toni Aponte, and Aileen Bean for being generous supporting members through 

And thank you for tuning in to “Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy.” We hope you enjoyed traveling to this loopy dimension with us and that you’ll come along again! Our new episodes drop every Tuesday! Please make sure to tell a friend! And keep on laughing! 

Frank: It’s a Gneeecey thing! [SFX: Door Slam] ###