Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy

Is It Really Just a Dream... or Something More?

Season 20 Episode 6

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“Is It Really Just a Dream...or Something More?” Ep. 184

After a chaotic escape from Opposite Earth, canine-humanoids Diroctor Bizzig “Zig” Gneeecey, Ebegneeezer Gesundheit Eeeceygnay, and Fleaglossitty “Flea” Floppinsplodge—aka Sooperflea—find themselves back in the dimension of Perswayssick County. But before they can celebrate, disaster strikes! Zig’s beloved spaceship, the Starship Waterloo, is obliterated, and the sinister Nurse Maudlyn makes an unexpected return, vowing revenge.

Meanwhile, Nicki Rodriguez, trapped in an alternate timeline, hurtles toward an uncertain fate—her car veering off course as she plunges into the unknown. A mysterious caped canine-humanoid named Sooperflea comes to her rescue, but is it really just a dream… or something more?

As Gneeecey and his crew reel from their dimension burn, a furious alien named Vloxx emerges, demanding justice for his stolen ship. With intergalactic debts, supernatural interference, and an eerie radio broadcast predicting doom, will our heroes escape their newest predicament?

Tune in for an episode filled with interdimensional mishaps, outrageous humor, and non-stop action!

🎧 Listen now and brace yourself for the unexpected!

Episode Artwork created by ChatGPT

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode! We thank Marysol Rodriguez, Sal Solá, Sandi Solá, Marcellina Ramirez, Rick “El Molestoso” Rivera, Diane L., Brunie Cariño, Toni Aponte, and Aileen Bean for being generous supporting members through (Please support us with a one-time gift or monthly sponsorship amount—various levels available—to help keep us coming to you via! We’ll shout you out during our podcast episodes and in our show notes here, plus supply you with more fun perks!) (Amazon Author Page, check out our Gneeecey/Nicki e-books and paperbacks!) (Interview with Vicki Solá) (right here, our Buzzsprout website w/episodes & transcripts!)   

And many thanks to disproportionately cool artist Jay Hudson for our podcast logo!

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Vicki's related comedy/fantasy/sci-fi books, You Can't Unscramble the Omlet and The Getaway That Got Away are available at Amazon! (Amazon Author Page, check out our Gneeecey/Nicki e-books and paperbacks!)

It's a one-woman show! Vicki does all the writing, character voices, and audio production!

Transcript / Is It Really Just a Dream...or Something More? – Episode 184, by Vicki Solá. 

All content © 2025 Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy.

Music/Intro: Hi there, I’m author and radio host Vicki Solá, welcoming you to Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy. I invite you to escape with me into the bizarre dimension of Perswayssick County, where wackiness rules! The laughs begin when I morph into my alter ego, radio DJ Nicki Rodriguez and clash with the zany, alien canine-humanoid Gneeecey! And now, I turn it over to my other self, Nicki, and the gang….

SFX: [Magic Spell] [Music Eerie Drama]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: In our last episode, “Thought You Saw the Last of Me?”, four simple but powerful words, three numbers and a color, uttered in a certain order, have propelled canine-humanoids Diroctor Bizzig “Zig” Gneeecey, his Planet HyenaZitania lookalike, Ebegneeezer Gesundheit Eeeceygnay, and Fleaglossitty “Flea” Floppinsplodge, otherwise known as “Sooperflea,” plus Gneeecey’s pet mallard Space Duck, from perilous Opposite Earth, back to the dimension of Perswayssick County. 

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune]

“FLEA” FLEAGLOSSITTY” FLOPPINSPLODGE, AKA “SOOPERFLEA: Holy Saint Bogelthorpe—what’s thaaat up there comin’ down too close to us?

SFX: [A Car Crash] [Explosion] [Tin Cans] [Airplane Alarm] [Bang]

G: It’s my beaudiful lousy spaceship—my Starship Waterloo—


F: It’s in pieces now! A veritable pile of metallic rubbish!

SFX: [Cartoon Annoyed Character Crying] [Metal Door Open] 

NURSE MAUDLYN: Thought you saw the last of me? Surprise, surprise! Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!

DIROCTOR BIZZIG “ZIG” GNEEECEY: It’s stinkin’ Nurse Maudlyn!

E: Bloody hell…. 

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune] 

NM: And I do guarantee that you will be seeing me again—when you least expect it! Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!

SFX: [Atmosphere] [Magic Glitter]

G: She stinkin’ disappeared! Stinkin’ get back here! Ya busted my beaudiful Starship Waterloo! You’re gonna pay!

E: I said it before and I’ll say it again. Bloody hell. And stop going on about your ill-fated Starship Waterloo. Your spaceship is totaled. It’s nothing more than a heap of rubbish now.

G: Oh yeah, my hideous lookalike? Ya wanna know somethin’, Ebegoogoo?

E: Not really, old chap. And the name is Ebegneeezer. Ebegneeezer Gesundheit Eeeceygnay.

G: Well, Ebegoogoo, I’m gonna tell ya anyways. I’m sick of ya! Sick of your snarkasm, an’ even sound of your dopey voice!

E: Oh, we want to go there, do we? Really? We want to talk about idiotic voices? You, with your high voice that never changed? You call yourself a man, do you?

G: Are yooou questionin’ my manhood?

F: Mister Eeeceygnay, Zig really can’t help it. His voice never changed an’ then he went to this place an’ had a voice transplant an’ it didn’t work out, at that new place Voices of Magic Intertechnological Technologies—y’know, VOMIT—over on the corner of Dorkchester Drive and Edgar Vompt Boulevard, but when Nurse Maudlyn was suin’ him in court for usin’ a different voice an’ she accused him of tellin’ her to vote five-zillion-an’-three times, luckily he threw up the download of his new transplanted voice that he didn’t like anyways an' so he got his old voice back that he had kept in his head, y’know, just to use for thinkin’ an’—

G: Shaaadup, Fleaglossitty!

E: Oh, this is rich!

G: I’m gonna get both of youse! I’ll show youse who’s a real maaan—I’ll fight both of youse at once!

F: Zig—I didn’t mean nuthin’! I swear!  I was just explainin’ to Mister Eeeceygnay here—

G: Explain this!

SFX: [FistFight] [FootstepsGravel]

SPACE DUCK: Quack! Quack!

F: Let’s stop this fightin’! Look—it’s upsettin’ Space Duck!

G: Aww-stinkin’-right! I feel kinda too sick to even fight propooperly. I’m weak an’ dizzy.

E: I am as well. 

F: Me too. An’ why’s this creepy music followin’ us everywhere?

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune]

G: It’s proboobably our dimension burn that’s causin’ thaaat, too, Fleaglossitty. An’ everything looks kinda purple, don’t it?

SFX: [Cell Phone Ring]

F: Now what? Looks like that evil Urgl is callin’ again, all the way from Opposite Earth.

E: Why would he be ringing us again?

G: Didn’t ya block his number after the first stinkin’ time he called?

F: I tried, but my phone here ain’t givin’ me that option, which is strange…it just went to voice mail….

E: Well, let’s bloody take a listen then.

SFX: [Electronic Cash Register] 

URGL: SFX: [Monster Reverb Laugh] The pastel black tea kettle will squash your steel worms with headbanging couches that eat blurry trees until you return what’s mine, and you know what it is! Goodbye…for now…. SFX: [Monster Reverb Laugh] 

F: Holy crap—like our Nicki says!

G: Don’t talk ’bout the Ig! Perhaphoops you forget, back on her lousy planet Earth, she merged into that other herself an’ called the cops on us, an’ we hadda say them four dopey words which ended us up back on stinkin’ Opposite Earth, so then we hadda dimension jump again, an’ yeah, we ended up home here in our Perswayssick County, but it’s all her fault our dimension burn is so baaad.

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune] [Music Eerie Drama]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: Meanwhile, Nicki Rodriguez, having merged with her accidentally visiting double, continues to exist in an alternate timeline. On her way to the Jersey shore, Nicki glances at her wristwatch and declares aloud, “Three forty-two, skies are blue!

A sudden explosion overhead, accompanied by a blinding flash of purple light, sends her and her red ’64-and-a-half Mustang spinning, out of control. Then, it’s all over. Silence.  Dazed, when Nicki summons the courage to open her eyes and survey her surroundings, she finds nothing amiss…until…when she resumes driving, an enormous green sign informs her that she’s traveling on the recently resurfaced Perswayssick Thruway. She finds herself on the Perswayssick River Bridge where a muddy mist, accompanied by an unfamiliar, gut-wrenching stench, rises, painting her windshield green.

SFX: [Spooky Hollow Fear] [Misgivings and Misfortune]

NICKI RODRIGUEZ: Ticker thumping up in my ears, I steered toward what I hoped was the road’s edge and eased to a stop. Before I could close my windows, Carlos’s CD ejected itself SFX: [Slip] [GlassDebris] disintegrating as it whizzed past my nose, and words shot out from all four speakers like snipers’ bullets.

“We’ll be comin’ right back at’cha wit’ ‘The Line to Your Heart’s Always Busy,’” shrilled a dentist’s drill of a voice. “It’s been number one for six months! Okay, peeps, it’s five p.m.! your dial’s mutated to 1780 am, WGAS, part of the Gas Broadcast Network!”

I gasped.

“Our live mierk cams show we’re havin’ a inversion! Yee haw! I love inversions! Out there on the bridge, your visibility’s a big fat zilch—an’ so’s your mother’s!”

My jaw dropped.

“Let’s hope,” continued the screechy piece of chalk, “this inversion sticks ’round for our Annual Mierk Fest next weekend!”

Annual what?

“Y’know, I love this planet—even though I miss mine.”

Acid rose into my throat, burning my tonsils.

“The river’s overflowin’ an’ the goonafish are jumpin’! Whatta soooper Snatturday!”

At least it was still Saturday. Maybe….

SFX: [Spooky Hollow Fear] [Misgivings and Misfortune]

N: The screechy voice blasting out of my speakers continued. “Now, here’s the toppa the charts for yuz!” A tone-deaf cowboy, accompanied by twangy, out-of-tune guitars, began caterwauling, “The line to your heart’s always busy, I call it all da-a-a-a-a-y long. . . .”

SFX: [A Car Crash] My fingers never reached the dial. A thundering wallop from behind slammed me back against my seat and blasted my Mustang through the guardrail.

Airborne, I tumbled through pea soup, praying that my dad was watching over me. Then, a sharp tilt forward smashed my skull into something hard, and I found myself floating. From above, I stared as my vehicle hurtled through the lifting fog. 

Below, on the mucky riverbank, a red-caped black dog stumbled upright on paddle-shaped feet. Forelimbs extended, he took a giant, clumsy leap into the sky. His pendulous ears whipped in the wind.

My doomed automobile continued its slow-motion descent, listing to the right, bags and books streaming out of the passenger windows in a hideous arc. SFX: [Splash Water 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Old magazines and my flat spare spilled from the open trunk. SFX: [Water Splash]As each item splashed into the foul waters, the luminous blue ovals swimming in the murky river below sprang up, annoyed.

The caped canine zoomed underneath my car moments before impact with solid ground, and he hoisted it back into the air. 

Gravity began to tug at me. I felt leaden, and the pain returned.

From the corners of my consciousness, gleaming clusters of disembodied eyeballs glared my way, then vanished into the returning haze.

Shivering, agony replaced by dull throbbing, I drifted through damp dreariness. My Mustang rocked gently. As I came to, I noticed the protruding peepers of a panting black hound plastered to me. Atop his whipped cream-splattered snout sat a shiny wet nose. A shiny, wet running nose.
 Microscopic dots obscured my vision as I pushed the door open SFX: [Metal Door Open] and stepped out. Swaying, I collapsed upon the creature.

He spoke English. “Here, sit down,” he suggested, guiding me toward a flat rock that sat in the middle of a muddy gully.
 “Th—thanks. . .” I stuttered.
 “A pleasure, Nicki.”
 “I—I don’t recall telling you my name—”
 “Oh, din’cha?”
 My eyes remained fixed on him. “No.”
 “I’m Sooperflea, at your service.” He pointed to the triangle-enclosed backward “S” embroidered on his navy shirt. The canine-humanoid’s voice boinged like a rusty spring. He was just about my height—when I sat. “Real name’s Fleaglossitty,” he continued, wiping his schnozz on his
 sleeve. “Fleaglossity Floppinsplodge. But’cha can call me Flea. All my friends do.”
 “I’m Nicki—as you already seem to know,” I replied, gazing into his concerned cocoa eyes. “Nicki Rodriguez.”
 He extended a furry, four-fingered hand. “Pleased to meet’cha.”
 “Likewise,” I replied, catching a glimpse of my own lavender-tinged hand.
 “Don’t worry, that’ll go away,” Flea assured me. “Your face, too.”
 “The purple, I mean—y’know, your dimension burn.”
 “You’re only twenny-four,” he continued. “you’ll heal fast.”
 “How’d you know—”
 “You’re lucky. I was jus’ passin’ through on my way into the city, to meet a buddy.”
 “City? What city?”
 “Perswayssick City.” Silly me, I should’ve guessed, I thought to myself. He shook his oversized head. “Nah. No way ya coulda guessed.” My mouth opened wide.
 “Come wit’ me—ya need a good meal.”
 I forced a smile.
 “Zig’ll take care of ya. he’s my bes’ friend—we grew up together. C’mon.”

SFX: [Misgivings and Misfortune] [Music Eerie Drama] [Space, Mystery Tune]

NARRATOR VICKI SOLÁ: And back in Perswayssick County….

SFX: [Screeching brakes]

G: Fleaglossitty, stinkin’ wake up! Altitude’s here wit’ the car! An’ giant mice like him don’t got much patience. So, wake up an’ let’s go!

F: Oh, Zig…. I musta been dreamin’…. ’bout Nicki…she an’ I were talkin’ or somethin’…it was like I was right there wit’ her….

G: Forget the lousy Ig! We ain’t never gonna see her again. Nebberd-kinnezzard, like we say, back on our Planet Eccchs. So, forget her. She ain’t here.

F: Is it really just a dream…or something more?

G: It was proboobably jus’ a weird dream due to your dimension burn, Fleaglossitty, An’ yooou know as well as meee, your superhero ESP ain’t been workin’ propooperly for the longest. Your superhero ESP has always been kinda defective. Don’t even know how ya even matrikookulated from your dopey superhero academy.

F: No need to get personal, Zig….

G: Stinkin’ whatever. Let’s go. Altitude’s waitin’. 

SFX: [Car Engine] [Car Horn]

G: Gotta get to the county courthouse so’s I can declarizate myself Grate Gizzygalumpaggis of this here lousy county. C’mon Ebegoogoo. 

E: I must remind you, old chap, that Perswayssick County is not my home. My home is Planet HyenaZitania. And in order for us to coexist here peacefully until that day we find a way for me to return there, we shall have to come to some sort of agreement.   

G: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stinkin’ whatever. C’mon, Space Duck.

SD: Quack! Quack!

SFX: [FootstepsGravel]

ALTITUDE: Will youse guys hurry up? Ain’t got all day!

G: We caaan’t help it. We got dimension burn. Our legs are weak an’ we’re dizzy. An’ remember I pay yooou, not the other stinkin’ way around!

A: Whatever, boss….

SFX: [Magic Glitter] 

G: Holy stinkin’ Saint Bogelthorpe! 

F: It’s a two-headed canine-humanoid alien wearin’ a silver spacesuit! 

VLOXX: Where do you people think you are going? You are not leaving Area Fifty-and-four-fourths!

G: I am the Gizzygalumpaggis of this here whole Perswayssick County! Who are yooou?

V: I am Vloxx.

G: An’ whaddaya stinkin’ want?

V: That heap of metal over there was my spaceship. You skyjacked it! And destroyed it! You will have to make good on this. I demand compensation.

G: I was jus’ fixin’ it. Doin’ ya a favor. Accidentally, I kinda pushed the launch button instead of the lunch button, an’ it took off! An’ I couldn’t control the lousy ship. After a while we did a kinda soft hard crash landin’ onto this horribooble planet Opposite Earth. An’ then the whole spaceship—I named it Starship Waterloo, ain’t that a priddy name?—it dematerialized an’ we couldn’t find it nowheres. Then, jus’ a little while ago, this evil huuuman Nurse Maudlyn drove it back here an’ stinkin’ crashed it into pieces! An’ then sheee dematerialized!

V: You are responsible for this. You will pay. And I also believe you are in possession of another item that is not yours. You are not going anywhere. 

SFX: [Space, Mystery Tune] [Orchestra Cliffhanger] [Magic Spell]

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode! We thank Marysol Rodriguez, Sal Solá, Sandi Solá, Marcellina Ramirez, Rick “El Molestoso” Rivera, Diane L., Brunie Cariño, Toni Aponte, and Aileen Bean for being generous supporting members through 

And thank you for tuning in to “Perswayssick Radio: Unearthly Comedy.” We hope you enjoyed traveling to this loopy dimension with us and that you’ll come along again! Our new episodes drop every Tuesday! Please make sure to tell a friend! And keep on laughing! 

Frank: It’s a Gneeecey thing! [SFX: Door Slam] ###